
The Appomattox River Water Authority (ARWA) encourages everyone to enjoy and protect this valuable resource and regional amenity, Lake Chesdin.

To make your day on the water safe and memorable we want to highlight some of the ordinances and regulations for the lake:

At the Dinwiddie Public Landing at the Brasfield Dam, you will see a line of buoys that extend all the way across the lake.  This line of buoys marks the “exclusionary zone”.  The exclusionary zone is an area 500’ from the dam in which no boat traffic or recreational activities are allowed.  The drop off on the back side of the dam is approximately 40’.

It is unlawful for any person to use the Brasfield Dam for recreational or any other purposes.

The maximum speed limit for the lake is 45 mph.

It is unlawful to operate a motorboat that is equipped with a motor or engine that expels exhaust directly into the atmosphere. This means no open exhaust pipes.

Any person who violates any of the above provisions shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not more than $250.00.

The Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR) provides the primary oversight and enforcement of boating regulations for the lake.  In addition to DWR, enforcement is supplemented by the Virginia State Police (VSP), Chesterfield County Police Department and Dinwiddie County Sheriff’s Office.

In the event there is an emergency, call 911 and provide a description of where you are on the lake and the nature of the emergency.  If you are involved in a boating accident and there is either immediate danger or someone is hurt, call 911.  In all cases, for any accident on the lake, after addressing the immediate needs and calling 911, you also need to contact DWR at (804) 367-1000.

In addition to oversight and enforcement, DWR also has numerous resources for safe boating practices.  More information can be found at


For those who like to fish, we have included the latest bathymetric study results here.  These maps illustrate the latest contours for the bottom of the lake.  The overflow for the dam is 158’.  For information on fishing licenses and regulations visit    

No Wake Zones

There are designated No Wake Zones on the lake.  The recorded No Wake Zones are located at:

  • Dinwiddie Public Boat Landing at the Brasfield Dam
  • Seven Springs Boat Ramp
  • Eagle Cove Subdivision
  • Entrance from the main lake to Whipponock Creek
  • Whipponock Marina
  • Cattle Creek   

Underwater Hazards

In addition to the No Wake Zones there is an area with buoys marking underwater hazards.  This is an area on the main lake just east of the Chesdin Landing Subdivision on the Dinwiddie side of the lake (south side).  These buoys mark underwater stumps.

There is another congested area which is a blind turn on the main river west of Nooning Creek.  This area is where there is a lot of paddle traffic from kayaks and paddleboards where boat traffic accesses the Appomattox River for fishing.  This turn is identified with 36”X36” caution signs.  It is recommended to navigate this area at No Wake speed.

Detailed maps for the exclusionary zone, no wake zone andhazard buoy locations are shown here.

Lake Chesdin also serves as a water source for Chesterfield County, Dinwiddie County, Prince George County, City of Colonial Heights, and the City of Petersburg.  Our staff is not on the lake every day and we need your help if you see anything out of the ordinary.  Items out of the ordinary would include someone in a boat pouring large containers of material into the lake, someone burning something on the bank, a large sheen on the water, someone spraying vegetation near the water’s edge, etc.  We are sure you have heard the saying, “if you see something say something”.  Plant staff can be reached at (804) 590-1145 ext. 111. 

We hope that you will have a safe and enjoyable day on the water by following these simple rules and safe boating practices.  We thank you in advance for being stewards of the environment and helping to maintain this valuable resource and amenity.

Contact Info

Appomattox River Water Authority
21300 Chesdin Road, S Chesterfield, VA 230803
Phone: (804) 590-1145 | FAX: (804) 590-9285

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